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Jayden Abbott

Jayden Abbott

Structural Engineer
BE (Hons), MEngNZ

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Jayden was born and raised in Browns Bay on Auckland’s North Shore but having a builder for a father means he has been around construction sites for many years.   While studying at Auckland University, he often worked with his father on building projects as well as doing a bit of retail work.  Jayden first came to Markplan as a student intern and, after graduating from Auckland University, he happily accepted a role as a permanent member of the engineering team.

Jayden loves the outdoors, particularly surfing and fishing.  Living near the beach, plus having good surf beaches only a short drive away, means that it is not difficult to fit in a surf either before or after work when the tide is right.  Markplan is becoming quite the fishing and surfing hot-spot, and I’m sure you’ll find surfing apps on Jayden’s as well as a good number of the other engineers’ phones, not to mention the odd photo of a recent catch that is soon to grace someone’s dinnerplate. 

Jayden is looking forward to advancing his career in an area that has positive implications for society, as what could be more important in the realm of construction than making sure that a building is fit for purpose and structurally sound.