Senior Engineering Draughtsperson
BSc Arch (PH)
Jun, originally an architectural draughtie from Cebu, an island in the Philippines, has lived in New Zealand on the Shore with her husband Ronald, a QS, since 2006. Her years of experience draughting in the architectural field have given her an insight into building design and construction which helps immensely when interpreting structural draughting work.
Jun enjoys the friendly, relaxed work atmosphere at Markplan and, with the Practice being close to her home, she no longer sits in the city traffic and has more time to spend with her husband and three children. Jun says that she loves using all the new skills she has gained and her career has become enriched since her move to New Zealand.
Being a busy working mum, Jun has little free time for herself, but she enjoys the movies when she can get to them. She is keen on travel too and aims to do lots more of it in the future.